Savvy Legal Counsel And Representation
The law firm of Kaufmann Gildin & Robbins provides every type of legal counsel and representation that a franchisor may need. Our team of talented attorneys has represented franchisors of all sizes, from start-ups to some of the largest companies in the world. We have seen it, done it and prevailed in every type of legal counsel and representation that our clients may need.
Empowering Franchisors
Our services for franchisors include:
- Guiding start-up franchisors – We assist clients through every aspect of preparing, registering and implementing a franchise program.
- Helping companies negotiate the challenges of franchising their business – We make sure all necessary franchise agreements, ancillary agreements and disclosure documents are prepared and registered to the client’s standards.
- Providing answers and counsel about franchise disclosure documents – Our experienced franchise lawyers ensure that our clients comply with state and federal requirements regarding timing, scope and updates to disclosure.
- Securitization financings – Kaufmann Gildin & Robbins co-developed (with one of the nation’s largest law firms) the structural template which, with minor modifications, has been successfully utilized in every franchise-related securitization which has transpired in the United States. Prior to this, no securitization financing involving a franchisor’s royalty stream had ever been successfully accomplished.
- Licensing and distribution – We generate franchise agreements and disclosure documents which are comprehensive, as sophisticated as the situation warrants and yet facilitate the franchise marketing process by being user friendly.
- Media relations and crisis counseling – Having worked in broader News at two of the Major networks, we know how to respond when a crisis erupts; who should say who (and when); and why “No Comment” is almost never the path to choose. Ask how we’ve handled crisis for our clients … and how we can help you.
- Mergers and acquisitions for franchisors – We have participated, in various capacities, in some of the most significant merger, acquisition and spin-off activity conducted in the franchise arena over the past 30 years.
In addition, our lawyers are skilled litigators who have experience representing clients in franchise litigation. We handle difficult cases every day and love to help our clients confront unique and challenging opportunities and hazards in franchise law.
You should know that every effort is taken by Kaufmann Gildin & Robbins to minimize your legal fees without sacrificing an iota of quality. We know the enormous pressure that franchisor general counsel are under to keep the budgets in line and minimize outside legal fees. And we make every effort to help them do just that. Ask our clients … they will tell you.
We invite you to learn more about the franchise practice at Kaufmann Gildin & Robbins. Call our firm and learn how our firm can put its experience and efficiency to work for you.